More reliable data: RKI is planning further vaccination surveys

Status: 08/12/2021 2:59 p.m.

I.Is it vaccination fatigue or have more people in Germany been vaccinated against the coronavirus than were officially recorded? In order to have more reliable data, the RKI is planning further surveys. Intensive care physicians had requested this.

In order to better assess the progress of the vaccination campaign in Germany in the future, the Robert Koch Institute RKI is planning further surveys. Among other things, around 3,000 people will be asked about their willingness to vaccinate and their acceptance in early autumn, the institute said.

Furthermore, a supplementary multilingual survey is currently being prepared, which will cover the most common foreign languages. This is also intended to reach citizens who cannot take part in a German-speaking survey due to their language skills.

Survey results versus reporting system

The results of the last comparable survey for the time being with around 1000 participants, the results of which were presented on Tuesday, indicated that possibly more people have already received a first vaccination than are recorded in the official reporting system, the digital vaccination rate monitoring (DIM).

Intensive care physicians had therefore requested an independent, representative population survey on the status of vaccination in Germany: “Vaccination is the decisive success factor of the pandemic,” said Gernot Marx, President of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (DIVI), the newspapers of the Funke media group . “Reliable figures are the basis for the acceptance of the corona measures,” Marx continued.

The DIM feeds on reports from vaccination centers, hospitals, mobile vaccination teams and now also company doctors. According to the RKI, data from resident doctors and private doctors are also included. Together they form the basis for the so-called vaccination dashboard, in which the vaccination quotas can be updated every working day. There is also another RKI survey called Covimo, for which vaccination rates are extrapolated based on surveys.

In the most recent Covimo survey, the rate of those vaccinated at least once was higher, especially in the age group of 18 to 59 year olds: While 79 percent said they were vaccinated in the survey, according to the reporting system it was 59 percent.

The experts cited several possible reasons as an explanation. Among other things, some of the vaccinations with Johnson & Johnson, in which only one dose is provided for full protection, is only recorded as a second vaccination. In addition, so far only about half of the company doctors registered with the reporting system have reported vaccinations via the web application.

5638 new infections, incidence at 27.6

Despite the vaccination campaign, the number of infections in Germany is rising again. According to the RKI information from the morning, the seven-day incidence was 27.6 – the previous day the value was 25.1, a week ago it was 19.4. The health authorities in Germany reported 5,638 new corona infections to the RKI within one day. A week ago, the value for Germany was 3539 infections.

According to the new information, 17 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours. A week ago there were 26 deaths. The RKI has counted 3,805,063 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the beginning of the pandemic. The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not detected. The RKI stated the number of those who had recovered at 3,673,700. The number of people who died with or with a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 91,834.

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