More muscular debate between Yannick Jadot and Sandrine Rousseau

“You did not read my program well”, “you shake the fears”: the two finalists of the primary environmentalist Yannick Jadot and Sandrine Rousseau exchanged many pikes on their conception of change, Wednesday evening at the debate on LCI.

From the outset, the “eco-feminist” candidate Sandrine Rousseau, in a bright white jacket, tried to challenge Yannick Jadot on his supposed lack of clarity: “We will not be able to make an ecological transformation at the height if we don’t say things. We will not be able to do it by surprise ”.

Dressed in a royal blue suit, the MEP, favorite before the first round and who came in first without widening the gap (27.7 against 25.14%), stressed that his “ecology of the action” would be “implemented immediately upon coming to power”.

Sandrine Rousseau replied: “The ecology of government that you are proposing does not go to the end of the road”. According to her, environmentalists must assume the “constraints” to be exerted on lifestyles. “I read your program and I see to what extent there is not sufficient transformation to respect the objectives of the IPCC,” she told Yannick Jadot.

Second round from September 25 to 28

A reproach that the supporter of “radicalism” made him again a few minutes later about public levies. “You did not read my program well,” said Yannick Jadot, stung to the quick, promising to take up the proposal for “climate ISF” from the mayor of Grenoble Eric Piolle, who came fourth with 22.29% of the vote.

For the MEP, ecology’s mission is to bring together rather than divide: “If we want to bring the whole of society, I want to work with unions, entrepreneurs, peasants, citizens, so that there is no a coalition of rejection ”.

He portrayed himself as a man of the field with his past fights in the European Parliament or as director of Greenpeace France, placing Sandrine Rousseau on the defensive. “I am an economist, I have been implementing public policies for 20 years,” she assured. “Where?” Asked Yannick Jadot, mockingly when the candidate told him she was talking about his vice-presidency of the University of Lille.

Tension also roamed the plateau when the two finalists spoke about the increase in fuel, essential according to Sandrine Rousseau for a real ecological transition. She defended her “living income” of 850 euros to offset the impact on the working classes, but Yannick Jadot laughed at: “It corresponds to the poverty line, it will not do it”. “There Yannick, it is you who stir up fears”, sharply replied the candidate.

The second round will take place online from September 25 to 28 for the more than 122,000 registered voters.

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