More foreign guests are coming to Bavaria – Bavaria

Bavaria’s tourism is looking up: Hotels, guest houses and campsites in the Free State recorded 15.5 percent more guest arrivals and 12.3 percent more overnight stays in September than in the same month last year, as the State Statistical Office in Fürth announced on Tuesday. In contrast to August, significantly more guests came from abroad (guest arrivals: plus 51.6 percent, overnight stays: plus 47.2 percent). If you look at the number of arrivals and overnight stays over the course of the year from January to September, however, according to the State Office for Statistics, “no such positive change can yet be determined”. Both guest arrivals (minus 18.3 percent) and overnight stays (minus 11.3 percent) were still well below the values ​​for the same period in the previous year. The 11,604 open Bavarian accommodation facilities with ten or more guest beds, including open campsites with ten or more parking spaces, reported around 3.2 million guest arrivals and 9.4 million overnight stays in September.

Among the administrative districts, Middle Franconia recorded the highest growth in guest arrivals with 24.7 percent (overnight stays: plus 26.6 percent), closely followed by Upper Bavaria with an increase of 22.3 percent (overnight stays: plus 15.5 percent). For a long time, youth hostels and huts were not allowed to accept guests due to the pandemic. The fact that this was possible again in 2021 brought them an increase of almost 60 percent in guest arrivals and overnight stays in September compared to the same month of the previous year. The second-highest positive rates of change are found in recreation, holiday and training homes (guest arrivals: plus 37.3 percent; overnight stays: plus 31.6 percent).

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