Moonriver Exceeds 8 Million Transactions As Polkadot Parachain Auction Progresses

Moonriver, the Canary test network for the Moonbeam protocol, achieved its goal this week with 8 million network transactions, becoming the leading parachain in Kusama.

The platform announced on Twitter that it had reached millions of transactions on Nov. 10 and made it the largest parachain on the Kusama Network.

Moonriver is one of many successful Parachain in Kusama and has parachain slot for 2022 with 60+ integrations, 173,000+ wallets and support for 2000+ ERC-20 tokens.

Kusama is a sister network of Polkadot, whose price has risen 15% to new ATH after parachain auctions, allowing developers to register their parachain and finance Crowd Loan.

At the time of writing Moonbeam is in2nd place of the Top Five Crowd Loans in parachain auction Polkadot’s first and has raised over $1 billion through Crowd Loans.

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