monitors/ext. Connect hardware to PC & 2 laptops | The hardware community for PC gamers

Hello, everyone,

I’m currently racking my brains about the following problem:

I connected my private computer (mainly for gaming) to 3 monitors and a mouse, keyboard, headphones and microphone.

Now that I’m working from home, I’d like to connect my work notebook to everything. However, I would hate to have to change plugs every time. A perfect solution would be to be able to switch the monitors and hardware between PC and notebook at the touch of a button. I was thinking of a KVM switch, but I’m not familiar with it at all.

I also have a MacBook, which I could (if possible) connect to the system. However, this is not absolutely necessary.

What might be more important is the possibility that I could separate the monitors. For example, if necessary, I would display my PC on monitors 1 and 2 and then my work notebook on monitor 3.

Is there such a solution? Would be very grateful to you!


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