Monica Bellucci: Actress wants to age with dignity

Monica Bellucci
Actress wants to age with dignity

Monica Bellucci doesn’t believe in the eternal youth craze.

© 2019

To emulate the youth forever? This is not for Monica Bellucci. The actress prefers to age with dignity.

Monica Bellucci (57) is not afraid of getting older. Emulating the eternal youth craze is not for the actress. They prefer to “grow old peacefully” like them in an interview with “The Sunday Times” betrays. “There are so many women who feel free to grow old in other ways,” said the 57-year-old. They prefer to look at aging in a “factual” way. The Italian apparently also takes it calmly with exercise and diets.

“I’ve always been a curvy woman, never so thin, that’s my nature,” she says. Instead of disciplined training and strict nutrition, the former Bond girl prefers wine and pasta. Every now and then she goes to Pilates and “do a bit of diet” if the job demands it. At the age of 50 or 60 you no longer have the same needs as at 20. “You change,” says Bellucci. Children come first, “we come second,” explains the mother of two.

For them getting old means “happiness”

When you are young people deal with the topic of beauty differently, because it is “completely natural” during this time. But the body ages “and we have to deal with it”. “There’s nothing we can do about it. At the same time, we’re lucky because when we get old it means we have a long life,” said Bellucci.


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