Money for doing nothing: is the unconditional basic income fair? | stern DISCUTHEK

Money for doing nothing: Does an unconditional basic income make us lazy?

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An unconditional basic income for everyone, from babies to old age – is that a distant utopia or the future of our work? Economics professor Thomas Straubhaar and bestselling author Nena Schink discuss the pros and cons in the new episode of DISKUTHEK@KörberForum.

Every month 1000 euros from the state – without having done anything for it. In return, social benefits such as unemployment benefits are eliminated. Proponents of this model of unconditional basic income see precisely in this model the possibility of being able to organize our working life more freely and to live more self-determinedly. Finland and Switzerland have already tested the model. But how realistic is the idea for Germany? And can a basic income be financed at all?

Does a basic income make us lazy? These DISKUTHEK guests discuss

The following DISKUTHEK guests discuss the pros and cons of basic income:

  • Nena Schink is a business journalist and bestselling author
  • Thomas Straubhaar is an economist and economics professor at the University of Hamburg

Here you will find the timecodes for our statements:

  • 01:40 – Statement 1: The unconditional basic income makes us lazy.
  • 09:35 – Statement 2: The unconditional basic income and capitalism are not compatible.
  • 23:15 – Statement 3: The unconditional basic income is unfair.
  • 30:32 – Statement 4: The unconditional basic income makes people happier.

This is the fifth stern DISKUTHEK that we are producing together with the Hamburg Körber Foundation – as DISKUTHEK@KörberForum. This program was recorded in front of an audience in the foundation’s forum in Hamburg’s warehouse district. All DISKUTHEK guests and all spectators have recovered or have been vaccinated at least twice. The event is subject to strict corona hygiene rules.

Moderator: Daphne Ivana Sagner
Editors: Sarah Klößer, Hendrik Holdmann
Editorial assistance: Isabella Heider
Camera: Xandra Baier, Jakob Dohrmann
Sound and light: Holger Kress, Michael Vögler
Editing and graphics: Nana Novosad, Martin Schlösser
Graphic concept: Vladislav Estrin, Edgars Noskovs
Director: Sarah Klößer
Head of the stern video department: Hendrik Holdmann
Production coordination: Arndt Neysters
Production management, production management: Christoph von Gülich
Fact checks: Dirk Liedtke

You can see all DISKUTHEK episodes here.

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