Monetary Policy – ECB Plans New Banknotes – Economy

The European Central Bank (ECB) is planning to redesign the euro banknotes. She wants to work with citizens in a process that should lead to a final decision in 2024, as the ECB announced. The design of the current banknotes is based on the theme “Age and Style”. Windows, gates and bridges can be seen on them, but no people. Whether this could also be the case in the future remained open at first. After 20 years, it is time to take a closer look at the design of the banknotes, said ECB President Christine Lagarde. They should be designed in such a way that Europeans could identify with them regardless of age or background. According to the ECB, focus groups will be formed as the first step in redesigning the euro notes. Its task is to collect opinions from citizens across the euro area on possible topics for the future euro banknotes.

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