Monarchy: “Christmas Elf” and “Feliz Navidad”: Williams’ Christmas hits

“Christmas Elf” and “Feliz Navidad”: Williams’ Christmas hits

Prince William, in his own words, enjoys bringing the family together for Christmas. Photo: Jeff J Mitchell / PA Wire / dpa

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How do Prince William and Kate spend Christmas? The Queen’s grandson talked about the sewing box in a conversation with sick children – and also revealed his Christmas wish.

He likes to watch “Buddy – The Christmas Elf” and listens to “Feliz Navidad”: In a conversation with sick children, Prince William (39) revealed his personal Christmas hits.

“He’s very funny and I watch him every Christmas, he still makes me laugh,” said the Queen’s grandson of the film with comedy star Will Ferrell. He also likes Mariah Carey as a Christmas carol, said William and probably meant the song “All I Want For Christmas Is You”. “Obviously there are a lot of good (Christmas carols), but I choose” Feliz Navidad “, it’s a little happier.”

When asked about his Christmas traditions, the second in line to the British throne reported: “Food is pretty important to me at Christmas.” He eats a lot on the holidays. “There’s always a little space in my stomach for a piece of turkey or sausage and a sip of wine,” he said in an interview with young cancer patients. The Brussels sprouts, which many children don’t like, are also on the table at William.

Williams Christmas wish

With his three children George, Charlotte and Louis, for example, he likes to play the classic board game “Monopoly” or go ice skating – even though he looks like a “deer on ice”, said the prince. And what does the royal want for Christmas? A win from his favorite football club, Aston Villa.

At Christmas he enjoys bringing the family together, William said. However, due to the corona pandemic, the festival is a little quieter this year for the Royals. Queen Elizabeth II (95) canceled the traditional family dinner on Thursday, which always takes place shortly before Christmas Eve. It is still planned that the Queen will spend the Christmas days together with her eldest son Prince Charles (73) and his wife Duchess Camilla (74) as well as William’s family at the royal country estate of Sandringham in eastern England.


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