# MonAnecdoteTGVInoui… Internet users laugh at the SNCF by telling their worst experiences

The SNCF held out the baton to be beaten … As part of the departures on vacation for the summer season,
TGV Inoui account, SNCF’s high-speed train service, launched a call for testimonials on Twitter to encourage travelers to share their best anecdotes on board their trains.

“Have you also had touching or unusual experiences on board a train? Share them with #MyAnecdoteTGVInoui. The authors of the most liked anecdotes will have the chance to win SNCF vouchers and their stories will be animated, ”tweeted at the end of July.
TGV Inoui account. Only here, the travelers did not play the game and preferred to share… their bad memories and their worst experiences.

“I have in mind this memorable anecdote where a car was missing on the TGV, and it was mine”

Many Internet users have therefore responded to the call for testimonials launched by the SNCF via the hashtag #MyAnecdoteTGVInoui, but not to share “their touching or unusual experiences”. Many have recounted their misadventures on board the company’s trains. “I have in mind this memorable anecdote where a car was missing on the TGV, and it was mine, suddenly I had to travel standing up with a hundred other people for 5 hours”, tells a user.

“This time when the SNCF specifically asked us to wait for the TGV doors to open before leaving, that they did not open and my TGV continued on its way to Paris”, testifies another traveler, or even “When in high school, I took a train in a small town and the only compost machine was in the station building which is closed on Sundays and I took a fine on the train for uncomposted ticket” , remembers another.

Some simply recalled, with screenshots in support, the very numerous delays suffered during journeys made on board the company’s trains. Others played the game, ironically: “I remember as if it was yesterday the time when my TGV arrived on time…. I was so moved »…

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