Monaco: The state of the super-rich is run like a company

For a long time there was glamour, car racing and a lot of money here. Today, Prince Albert runs the mini-state like a company. But it can’t be done silently.

Breathe a sigh of relief in Monaco. At the beginning of May, Princess Charlène celebrated the fundraisers of the “Champagne & Oyster” cycling club in a relaxed manner wearing jeans. “Champagne and oysters” – but the bike race by lively local heroes obviously serves a charitable purpose. The day before she had already cruised through the marina with her husband and the twins Gabriella and Jacques: housewarming party, Monaco is getting a new fire boat. Charlène and Albert II also petted the furry winners of the dog show. Three dates in one weekend! Charlène hadn’t mingled with the people so often in a long time.

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