Moments of happiness: 50 things we can be happy about in everyday life

Tiny moments of happiness
50 little things that make us happy in everyday life

It’s often the little things that turn out to be real moments of happiness in everyday life

© evgenyatamanenko / Getty Images

In the stress of everyday life, we tend to forget that even tiny moments can make us happy. We have collected 50 little things that bring us joy.

Sometimes it’s magical and everything seems like seven days of rainy weather. You simply don’t notice the little moments of happiness in life because everything goes wrong. In such cases, the advice to enjoy the little things may sound trite. But it actually makes us happier when we appreciate the beautiful situations in our everyday lives. At least one suggests A 2012 study suggests that greater appreciation can be associated with greater life satisfaction.

Moments of happiness that make everyday life more beautiful


We have collected 50 things that delight us in everyday life:

  1. Listen again to the music that we loved so much as teenagers.
  2. Walking in the rain and just listening to how beautiful it rains.
  3. Get a good night’s sleep on the weekend.
  4. Try a new cafe.
  5. Accept a compliment.
  6. Give honest praise.
  7. Watch a few episodes of your favorite series.
  8. Turn up the music and dance around the living room in your socks.
  9. Watching a bird or squirrel outside the window.
  10. Meeting your favorite colleague in the office.
  11. If the train comes on time.
  12. Learn something new – for example a language or an instrument.
  13. Lie down in a freshly made bed in the evening.
  14. Cook with fresh ingredients.
  15. A hug from loved ones that comes at just the right moment.
  16. That the kebab shop owner you trust asks for your partner when you eat there alone.
  17. A WhatsApp message from a good friend.
  18. Apply a spritz of your favorite perfume.
  19. When the weather is bad, curl up on the sofa with a cocoa and a book.
  20. Pet a cat and hear and feel its wonderful purring. Or:
  21. Playing with a dog in the park.
  22. The bus driver who waits for you as you sprint around the corner.
  23. Getting the door held open.
  24. Sitting in the car with a friend and loudly singing along to the songs on the radio.
  25. Have the courage to do sport.
  26. The smell of a freshly mown meadow.
  27. A child’s smile.
  28. Win at a board game.
  29. The feeling when a mild wind blows around your ears while cycling.
  30. Looking at the sea or another body of water.
  31. Listen to the theme songs of old children’s songs or sing along (still incorrectly).
  32. Take a walk.
  33. The feeling when the apartment is freshly cleaned and tidy.
  34. Snogging your partner or crush.
  35. Browse through old photo albums.
  36. Play Pokémon on the Game Boy again.
  37. Be admitted to the supermarket checkout.
  38. Find a bargain at the flea market.
  39. A green wave while driving.
  40. Laugh together with friends and family.
  41. Jump up and down on a trampoline.
  42. Get a postcard.
  43. Watch funny animal videos.
  44. Getting your back scratched.
  45. Having a fellow student who is almost ten years younger explain what “delulu” (derived from “delusional”: when a person gets involved in a situation or sees delusional things) or “bombastic side eye” means.
  46. Having a friend who is just as silly as you.
  47. When the weather is just gray on gray for days and the sun finally comes out.
  48. Having the streets of the big city to yourself at night.
  49. Whether jacket potatoes with quark, pasta, pancakes or falafel – just cook your favorite meal again.
  50. To take a bath.

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