Mom says no: fight between Musk and Mark Zuckerberg called off?

Billionaire Fight
Now Elon’s mother intervenes: fight between Musk and Mark Zuckerberg canceled?

The fight between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg is unlikely to happen – mother Maye objects to the Tesla boss stepping into the ring.

© Angela Weiss/Getty Images

The situation seemed surreal anyway, now it gets even stranger. After Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg publicly arranged a fight, Musk’s mother intervened with warning words.

Well, what can you do? Surprisingly, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg recently met for a cage fight – in public. After a few hours, the most important details were clear on Twitter and Instagram: It was supposed to be a mixed martial arts fight, the venue was set in Las Vegas and the controversial influencer Andrew Tate, who actually has combat experience, wanted to prepare Musk for it. Even a referee was chosen: none other than podcast millionaire Joe Rogan was to accompany the fight. But then Mama Musk got in the ring.

Maye Musk demands a battle with words

After Musk responded to an Instagram post from Zuckerberg asking the Facebook boss about a venue for the fight, Maye Musk wrote down Twitter: “No jokes. Fight with words only. In armchairs. 4 feet apart. The funniest person wins.” After that, she continued her mission of lobbying on her son’s platform for the cancellation of the fight.

Maye Musk, who works as a model at the age of 75 and is at home on the red carpets of this world, wrote again and again that the fight was now canceled. Here’s how she responded to a post from a user who was excited about the announcement of the billionaire brawl: “Actually, I canceled the fight. I haven’t told them yet. But I will continue to say that the fight is canceled, just for the case…”.

Musk has noticed his mother’s campaign, even if he doesn’t seem to take it very seriously. His only one so far Answer consists of a smiley smiling with tears. At the same time, he continues to plan how the fight should proceed. “We do it completely mixed martial arts,” he recently wrote to the Russian-US American computer scientist Lex Fridman via Twitter. Again warned Musk’s mom under this conversation: “Don’t encourage this fight!”

Musk has no chance anyway?

It’s possible that Maye Musk took a closer look at her son’s opponent. While Elon is likely to weigh more, Mark Zuckerberg has a huge athletic advantage. The Facebook founder is not only in top form, but also won a jiu-jitsu tournament. So it would probably be healthier for Musk to listen to his mother — and it always is.

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