“Mohamed was our guardian angel”, the tribute to the young man found dismembered

“Your angel’s face remained frozen, in a photo that was too dated. You’re smiling, you’re handsome, you’re the most beautiful age. In people’s minds, each of Suzan’s words resonates as a tribute to Mohamed, killed in Lyon in still relatively obscure circumstances, and whose dismembered body was found in the pipes of a building in Saint-Priest. Microphone in hand, Marie Luttenschlager, head of the youth sector of the MJC des Rancy, sings the verses of the song. “What man would you have been?” Would you really have changed if life had left you some leeway? »

On Wednesday afternoon, nearly 400 people gathered to participate in a white march in tribute to the boy and to demand justice. Mohamed was not yet 17 years old. Since the announcement of the tragedy and the atrocity of the truth, his family has “stayed there, snorkeling”, “crying until they were blinded”. “He loved life, he had life ahead of him, his aunt collapses. I can not believe it. The way he left…” The dead don’t come out anymore. Crushed with grief, she pulls herself together to continue: “Sometimes, I have the impression that he will come ringing at my door. »

” He deserves it “

A few meters further on, the teenager’s father struggles to speak. “I just want to thank everyone who is there and thank the police who are working on the investigation,” he says. “This march will not bring him back but he deserves it, adds his uncle. The killer didn’t just kill Mohamed, he killed the whole family. What happened will remain etched forever in our pulpit. Mohamed was well educated, he was appreciated, respectful”. “He was our guardian angel, abounds one of his cousins. He took care of his mother, his father, his sister. »

The kid had plans: do an internship in Spain, get his Bafa. “Volunteer”, he never balked at the task and spent most of his free afternoons at the MJC des Rancy. So when asked “a few words” to describe the teenager, Marie Luttenshlager answers immediately: “Oh, there are many, many. “He said that instead of hovering in the neighborhood, he preferred to make himself useful. He liked to get involved in the events we organized. He always gave a helping hand at the bar or in the restaurant. When we were understaffed, he always offered to replace the missing facilitators, ”sums up the young woman.

Before the procession rushes behind large banners, the applause redoubles. No minute of silence. “Silence is not what represented it,” smiles Marie Luttenshlager. Mohamed liked to make noise. He liked to be the center of attention. Clown, amuse the gallery. “His repartee good to him” had the gift of making people laugh. “Nice” is however the word that comes up the most in the mouths of the participants.

“Why this hatred? »

“He was like my big brother. He never had stories with anyone. He listened to everyone, ”recalls Inès, her eyes filled with tears. Mohamed, she knew her from the age of six on school benches and “in the park”. “I don’t know how it will be without him,” she adds, affectionately surrounded by her friends Adela, Mélina and Mélyia. “He always made me laugh, and above all, he took care of everyone, even those they didn’t know like the little ones, for example… Yes, he was nice Mohamed”, adds one of them.

At the head of the procession, the boy’s family. Head held high, her father marches by silently, holding her daughter close to him. “It pains me,” says Orkia, a resident “very involved in the neighborhood”. “The little one was an angel, a flower. Why ? Why this hatred? It’s monstrous, how can a human being do that? ” The Lyonnaise admits that it ” is difficult to talk about it “: ” I can’t put words. »

“It’s sad for the parents, for the friends but also for everyone. We are now afraid for our children, ”says Nacera, who walks around with a white rose in her hand. “Poor Lola was killed on her way home from school. Mohamed was killed on his way to work. The people are crazy. We cut off heads, hands… It’s too much. We are fed up with all that, ”she concludes before joining the MJC. On site, an altar was erected with photos of Mohamed. On the pictures, the kid smiles, savors a victory in karting, does the V in the middle of a climbing session, concentrates in the cooking workshop or helps a “little one” to attach his harness. Some “cult” lines pronounced by the kid are pinned. “It hurts my heart,” slips a teenager to her friend when placing a last rose.

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