Moderator: Tobias Schlegl has had enough of red cabbage after the rescue mission

Tobias Schlegl has had enough of red cabbage after the rescue mission

Tobias Schlegl is no longer in the mood for red cabbage. Photo: Georg Wendt/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Not everyone likes all vegetables. The moderator and emergency paramedic Tobias Schlegl is a vegetarian and after his sea rescue mission has something that he will avoid for the time being.

Since his return from the sea rescue mission on the Sea-Eye 4, the moderator and paramedic Tobias Schlegl (“Extra 3”) has not eaten any red cabbage.

“Red cabbage was what we finally had in terms of vegetables and fruit and there was a red cabbage salad several times in a row,” said the 44-year-old of the German Press Agency in Hamburg.

Apart from that, the small kitchen crew on board the ship did a great job. “That was great. The food on board was amazing. So for me as a vegetarian. It’s fantastic to be part of a community that values ​​this and cooks mainly vegetarian food. I’ve never experienced that before.”

In May, Schlegl volunteered for several weeks on a Sea-Eye sea rescue mission in the Mediterranean to save people who had fled from drowning and to provide them with medical care. Over time, Schlegl has published the book “See. distress. Rescue.” written that has recently appeared.


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