Moderator: Judith Rakers raises kittens with bottles

Judith Rakers raises kittens with a bottle

Judith Rakers proved her qualities as a cat mom. Photo: Jens Kalaene / zb / dpa

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“Sweet, but exhausting” – that is the conclusion of the “Tagesschau” spokeswoman after she raised five kittens with the bottle. But the effort seems to have been worth it.

Judith Rakers (45) has bottle-raised five kittens in the past few weeks.

“That was incredibly sweet, but also incredibly exhausting and of course we also asked ourselves whether we could get through,” wrote the “Tagesschau” spokeswoman and TV presenter on Instagram on Friday. The mother cat Lotti suffered inflammation of the teats, so the offspring had to get the bottle every four hours – even at night.

“So there was an exceptional situation on the small farm,” wrote Rakers, who lives on the outskirts of Hamburg, about a video that shows the little ones frolicking on and around their laps. “But we did it.” The kittens were born around six weeks ago – even then, Rakers shared their happiness with their social media followers.


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