Moderator: Jörg Pilawa goes to Sat.1

Jörg Pilawa goes to Sat.1

Moderator Jörg Pilawa switches to Sat.1. Photo: Tom Weller / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

In his own words, he wants to leave his comfort zone: Jörg Pilawa switches to the private broadcaster Sat.1.

TV presenter Jörg Pilawa comes to Sat.1. The private broadcaster confirmed the 56-year-old’s change. Pilawa is to moderate the new program «Quiz für Dich» there, among other things.

Celebrities compete against each other in two teams and earn money for a person in need who does not know anything about their luck.

The Norddeutsche Rundfunk announced the departure of the popular quiz master last Thursday. Pilawa said of his motives for switching to Sat.1, he wanted to leave his “comfort zone” and would like to do a wide variety of programs again. There is already a list of ideas, said station director Daniel Rosemann. One does not want to make a sharp distinction between information and entertainment. The “Bild” newspaper reported last week about Pilawa’s new employer, but Sat.1 initially did not confirm the change.


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