MoDem deputy Philippe Berta threatened with beheading in an email

The deputy of Gard Philippe Berta (MoDem) published
on Twitter, this Friday, an email he received in which a person threatens him with death.

“Here is the email received from a courageous anonymous who promises me nothing less than beheading”, writes the elected official, who evokes “an unspeakable hatred”. Philippe Berta, also president of the study group on rare diseases in the National Assembly, indicated that he was going to file, “of course”, a complaint.

“You will be beheaded and I am thinking about the best way to do it”, we can read on the screenshot of the email shared by the member of the Gard. The chosen one, a geneticist by profession, seems targeted for his support for Emmanuel Macron’s policy to fight against the spread of Covid-19, which the author of the email compares to “totalitarian measures”.

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