Miscellaneous – Justice | Death of Zineb Redouane: no disciplinary council for the CRS implicated

By La Provence (with AFP)

The CRS implicated in the Zineb Redouane case, who died at the end of 2018 in Marseille after being hit in the face by a tear gas canister, will not be referred to the disciplinary council, by decision of the boss of the national police, we learned on Saturday from a source close to the case. The Director General of the National Police (DGPN) Frédéric Veaux has decided not to follow the opinion of the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) which advocated, in the conclusions of its administrative investigation, a referral to the disciplinary council, the same source said, confirming information from France Inter.

In its report sent on May 20, the IGPN estimated that the CRS had indeed carried out a regulatory fire. without deliberately targeting the victim but had missed “the obligation of discernment through a manifestly inappropriate actione “, according to the source close to the file. The CRS grenade launcher had a range of 100 meters while the building of Zineb Redouane was located about thirty meters.

The DGPN, which ruled in July, took into account in its decision the “tired“, of “lack of visibility“, of the “voltage” and of “the legally established need to shoot“, mentioned in the IGPN report, to exempt the CRS from a disciplinary sanction, according to the close source. The police officer who supervised the CRS at the time of the shooting, for which the IGPN also recommended a passage in disciplinary council, escapes. also.

The two officials, “very well rated“according to the close source, will have to perform”an internship“to do “recall the instructions in force on the use of means of defense“.

The administrative investigation was transferred to the judicial information, disoriented in Lyon and still in progress. Justice has not communicated on any possible indictment so far.

Zineb Redouane, 80, died on December 2, 2018 in hospital, 24 hours after being hit hard by a tear gas canister fired by police, while closing a window in her apartment in the city center , where demonstrations were taking place.

An expert report submitted in May 2020 as part of the judicial investigation concluded that the police shooting had been carried out in the rules – in a bell – and had accidentally reached the victim. An independent second opinion, published at the end of 2020, had concluded on the contrary to a tense shot, practice prohibited in front of an apartment building.

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