Miracle Healers: Tricks of the Quack Doctors and How Patients Recognize Them

If you search for keywords such as “cancer” and “alternative healing methods” on the Internet, you will end up with naturopaths, miracle healers and doctors who apparently offer magic formulas for healing. How to recognize dubious offers.

When the Swiss Renate Mulofwa* fell ill with breast cancer, she decided not to give conventional medicine a chance. I met her four years later. She had already done a lot by then. She had cleaned her intestines of evil slag and had mistletoe extracts injected. She had tried snake venom and autohemotherapy. She fasted for weeks to “starve” the tumor. She witnessed the mass healings of a Nigerian priest raging on stage and Tibetan yoga group events. She tried to “solve” her psychological conflicts using the methods of the “New Germanic Medicine”. She tried homeopathy and bitter almonds and a few other therapies.

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