Minus 45 kilos: woman is secretly losing weight – family shows incomprehension

Minus 45 kilos
Wife answers for her sister’s wedding – but her family is not enthusiastic

The own body figure at the wedding is a sensitive issue for many women (symbolic image)

© hxyume / Getty Images

Finally a woman had managed to lose weight significantly – just before her sister’s wedding. Her family, however, reacted very coldly.

At weddings, at least for some, there is an unwritten law: Nobody should look better than the bride. And anyone who breaks this rule can expect to be ostracized by the entire wedding party, or at least by relatives. Like a woman who told her story on Reddit.

The corresponding thread appeared in the category popular on Reddit “Am I the A ******”, in German “Am I an A ********?”, in which users can anonymously tell their stories and ask others for their opinion, whether they have made a mistake or are behaving badly in any way have – or not. Topics there regularly go viral if they affect a particularly large number of people in a similar way or if others have an opinion on them. One problem remains, as is so often the case with Reddit: the stories of the users cannot be checked. And at the same time show what moves the community.

Like the story of the 28-year-old who reports that she had been overweight for a long time. But then she managed to lose 45 kilograms. However, she had not told her family, who lived further away, about her efforts to lose weight, as she was afraid that it would fail. All she said was that she was now making “healthier choices”. And so her slimmer figure came as a great surprise to her relatives.

Envious because the sister has lost weight

Her first family encounter after losing weight was her sister’s wedding of all places. The author arrived two weeks before the actual celebration to help with the preparations. However, the joy of reunion was pretty one-sided: Instead of recognizing the great personal success of her sister, the bride reacted rather frosty. In the meantime, she herself had gained weight.

“For the first time in our life I’m slimmer than her. I was always the fat sister,” says the user on Reddit. Her sister apparently didn’t get along well with that: “She accused me of trying to outdo her.” The parents of the two also sided with the bride. That unsettled the Reddit user: If others in her family also sided with her sister, had she done something wrong?

Kissing couple

She asked the other users on the platform. The feedback from the Reddit community, however, was clear: They hadn’t done anything wrong. “You have spent your whole life losing weight just to outdo your sister?” Asked a user sarcastically. “How delusional is your family anyway?” Others recommended that she boycott the wedding altogether or even cut off contact with her family.

Source: Reddit


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