Minister Pistorius’ plans: Bundeswehr as the “backbone of deterrence”

As of: November 9th, 2023 7:50 p.m

Defense Minister Pistorius wants to consistently focus the Bundeswehr on protecting Germany and its allies. He issued new defense policy guidelines for a “war-ready” Bundeswehr.

For the Bundeswehr, after decades of foreign missions, a fight for its own country and its allies is once again the focus of preparations. This emerges from the new defense policy guidelines that Defense Minister Boris Pistorius presented in Berlin at the Bundeswehr conference. The last time a federal government issued such a regulation was in 2011 under then department head Thomas de Maizière.

The 34-page document entitled “Defense Policy Guidelines for the Turning Point” describes “warworthiness as a maxim for action”. Pistorius and Inspector General Carsten Breuer write in the paper: “We must be the backbone of deterrence and collective defense in Europe. Our population, but also our partners in Europe, North America and the world expect us to take on this responsibility.”

“Security policy grow up

With Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “brutal attack” on Ukraine, the war has “returned to Europe,” emphasized Pistorius. As a result of the turning point this has triggered, Germany must now “grow up” in terms of security policy. The threat situation is assessed in the document as follows: “Without fundamental internal change, the Russian Federation will remain the greatest threat to peace and security in the Euro-Atlantic area.”

From now on, the goal must be to refocus the Bundeswehr, which has been neglected for decades, on its core mission of national and alliance defense, write Pistorius and Breuer in the foreword to the new guidelines. From now on, this must be “structurally determining” for the army. All other tasks are “subordinate” to this core task, the guidelines say. Now “the foundations for a future-proof, operational and war-fighting Bundeswehr” are being created.

The Bundeswehr must prepare itself for a fight “against an opponent who is at least equal” and then be “capable of persevering” even in highly intense combat. “We not only want to win this argument, we have to. This sets the pace.”

The threat from China is also an issue

Nevertheless, the Bundeswehr should continue to be able to carry out international crisis operations. In addition to previous missions in the Western Balkans and the African Sahel region, Pistorius and Breuer also refer to the attack on Israel by the radical Islamic Hamas. The guidelines state that Israel’s right to exist is of “particular importance” in the international commitment to regional stability and peace.

Even if the “focus is on security from the Russian Federation,” Germany faces a variety of security policy challenges, emphasize planners in the Defense Ministry. In addition to the situation in Africa, the Middle East, the Indo-Pacific and the Arctic, China is also specifically mentioned. This is trying to “reshape the rules-based international order according to its ideas” and is “increasingly aggressively claiming regional supremacy”.

Quick Fully equipped is the goal

In order to shape the turning point, “a steadily increasing ceiling of at least two percent” of economic output is necessary for defense spending, the guidelines continue. The sustainable and comprehensive financing of the Bundeswehr is an “indispensable prerequisite” for German credibility in implementing the turning point.

Long-term financing beyond the 100 billion euro pot (“special fund”) remains a prerequisite for functioning armed forces. “Our most urgent goal is to quickly fully equip the Bundeswehr in order to make the Bundeswehr one of the most efficient armed forces in Europe,” the guidelines state as a maxim for equipping the troops.

“Warworthy in all areas”

The guidelines call on decision-makers in administration, the military and authorities to also use leeway for the Bundeswehr. When awarding contracts, existing exception clauses must be “applied consistently and options under procurement law to speed up the process must be exploited”. The armed forces’ equipment will be consistently geared towards procurement available on the market. Own development projects would be pursued, particularly in the area of ​​key national technologies.

The paper states that Germany must be defensive and resilient, i.e. stable as a society and state in the event of attacks and disruptions. Defense capability is a task for the entire state and society as a whole, with the Bundeswehr as a core instrument. “To do this, it must be combat-ready in all areas. This means that its personnel and equipment are geared towards carrying out its demanding missions.”

Troop numbers remain unclear

There is no information on the Bundeswehr’s future personnel levels in the guidelines. Pistorius is currently checking whether the target of 203,000 soldiers set before his term in office will continue to exist. There are currently almost 181,000. However, the guidelines emphasize the need for a “well-trained reserve” that is intended to provide reinforcements in the event of national and alliance defense.

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