Minister of Labor Heil’s plans: higher minimum wage, lighter packages

Status: 04/09/2023 03:04

Labor Minister Heil announces a significant minimum wage increase for 2024. He also wants to improve the working conditions of parcel couriers and employees of companies that work on behalf of the federal government.

Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil expects a “significant increase” in the minimum wage next January. That’s what the SPD politician told the “Bild am Sonntag”. Because not only do we continue to have high inflation, but also decent wage increases, which will be reflected in the upcoming increase in the minimum wage. work must be worthwhile.

Proposal expected in summer

In the summer, the minimum wage commission will make him a proposal. The minimum wage in Germany is currently 12 euros per hour. In view of the high inflation, a dispute about the next minimum wage increase had already flared up last month. Social associations called for a sharp increase to 14 euros and more, employers warned of “unrealistic heights”

The traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP exceptionally raised the minimum wage by law last year. On October 1, 2022, it had risen from EUR 10.45 to EUR 12. The minimum wage commission with representatives of employers and employees should then propose the next step in the increase. This is to be done by June 30 with effect from January 1, 2024.

Federal contracts only for companies that adhere to collective bargaining agreements

Labor Minister Heil also wants to introduce a law by the summer, according to which federal orders may only be awarded to companies that adhere to collective agreements. “If we as a state spend tax money, then entrepreneurs who don’t pay their people properly should no longer be allowed to benefit from it.” The SPD, Greens and FDP had already agreed this in their coalition agreement in order to strengthen collective bargaining.

By June, he and Minister of Economics Robert Habeck will present a draft law that stipulates adherence to collective bargaining agreements in the federal government, said Heil. If everything goes well in the Bundestag, the law should come into force on January 1, 2024.

Parcel messengers should lug less

In addition, Heil wants to improve the working conditions of parcel couriers and enforce a ban on parcels over 20 kilograms. “Parcels that weigh more than 20 kilograms will have to be delivered by two people in the future.” This is about the health of people who make our everyday lives easier with their work and keep the country running.

Heil also wants to tighten the regulations for medium-heavy parcels. In the future, there will be “a labeling requirement for parcels over ten kilograms, so that the courier can see immediately what he can expect.” The implementation is to take place via the amendment to the Postal Act, which the Ministry of Economic Affairs is currently working on.

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