Mindgeek: Women sue the company behind Pornhub – Business

US Court Proceedings


“One small mistake can change a whole life”

Reading time: 5 mins

US court case: The credit card company Visa processed the payments for Mindgeek.

The credit card company Visa processed the payments for Mindgeek.

(Photo: Benoit Tessier/Reuters)

A woman was 13 when she made a nude video that went viral. Over and over again. Now she is suing the platform operators and Visa along with others affected. A court has now allowed the lawsuit.


Jürgen Schmieder, Los Angeles, and Nils Wischmeyer, Cologne

It’s necessary to know who Serena Fleites is to understand that there’s a lot more to this spectacular court case than pornography and credit cards. What has become known about this young woman is incredible. what was done to her what she did to herself And how she now defends herself.

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