Mike Singer: Great proof of love from girlfriend Sophie

Mike Singer
Great proof of love from girlfriend Sophie

Mike Singer and his girlfriend Sophie Marstatt shot their first music video together.

© Misha Amoi-Taleghani

Mike Singer and girlfriend Sophie can be seen together for the first time in a music video. In the interview he talks about a sweet token of love.

Mike Singer (21) is back with new music: on Friday he will release the single “Bonjour Ça Va”, in German “Hello, how are you?” With these three words, the singer wants to remind you that you should pick up the phone every now and then to call someone. The special thing about the song: Celebrate on Sunday the music video Premiere in which Singer can be seen with his girlfriend Sophie Lilian Marstatt. It was the first time for the blonde in front of a camera, he reveals in an interview with the news agency spot on news. The two made their relationship public in August. To what extent the influencer has changed his life and what plans the couple have together, the 21-year-old also tells.

Their new song is called “Bonjour Ça Va”. Why did you choose a French title?

Mike Singer: I live right on the French border and therefore have a special connection to France. I especially like the French language – “Bonjour Ça Va” is therefore not my only song with a French title. There was already one: “Deja Vu”.

They call for people to simply pick up the phone and call people with whom one has not had contact for a long time. When was the last time you did that?

Singer: That was actually only yesterday. I think it’s really good to be in regular contact with your most important people. Especially when the distance is a bit longer and you haven’t heard each other for a long time, a phone call like this can be damn good!

You shot the music video with your fans. Were there any challenges?

Singer: I’m so grateful for my fans. They sent so many videos, shared so many personal moments with us … I really didn’t expect that. So there were no challenges!

You also openly share your love for your friend Sophie in the music video. How was it shooting with her?

Singer: We were both really excited to be honest, but when it started we just enjoyed it and really laughed a lot together. It was her first time in front of a camera and I just tried to show her that it can be really fun. In addition, I simply have a great team that also gave them great support!

Will she be featured more often in your music videos?

Singer: Let’s see. It just went really well with the song. You never know.

You kept your relationship to yourself for a long time. What prompted you to go public with it in August?

Singer: It was a great moment. We were on vacation with the family and had been a couple for a long time. Then somehow it suddenly felt right – we just felt ready for it for the first time. From then on there was no longer any doubt.

You have experienced first hand the negative effects social media can have. How much insight do you give into your privacy on Instagram and Co. and where do you draw the line?

Singer: I show a lot of my life, but despite everything I try to keep my family and friends out of the public eye as much as possible. However, I love my family so much and then I just have to post a photo with my cousin, for example. Otherwise, I definitely try to focus on the music.

How has Sophie changed your life? What do you particularly like about her?

Singer: Where do I start? She lived about 200 kilometers away from me and then changed her studies just to move in with me. We visit her family and friends often, of course, but I know it was a huge step for her that she took for me. I really appreciate that!

What are your mutual plans as a couple for the near future?

Singer: We take it easy, let everything come our way and just try to enjoy every moment together!


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