Migration: City Day: Financing for refugee accommodation important

City Day: Funding for refugee accommodation important

The President of the German Association of Cities, Helmut Dedy, calls for permanent funding for refugee accommodation. photo

© Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

On the subject of refugee accommodation, the German Association of Cities has a clear demand: the care of those seeking protection must be “financed on a permanent basis”.

The President of the German Association of Cities, Helmut Dedy, insists on permanently securing the financing of the costs for the refugee housing.

After the prime ministers’ conference in November, it must be over “that we are always swinging from one temporary solution to the next when it comes to refugee financing,” Dedy told the editorial network Germany. “The permanent task of caring for refugees must also be permanently financed.”

Cities need clarity quickly

In mid-May, the federal government promised the states one billion euros as an additional contribution to the costs of refugee care for this year. This is intended to support them in further relieving their municipalities and in financing the digitization of the immigration authorities.

Dedy said cities need clarification quickly on whether to extend the EU rule granting uncomplicated protection to refugees from Ukraine. At least until March 2024, those seeking protection from the country will not have to go through a lengthy asylum procedure. “That has proven its worth and made a lot of things easier on site,” said Dedy.

The refugee organization Pro Asyl made a similar statement. “The EU interior ministers must now officially make this decision as quickly as possible so that people have more security and the authorities can prepare accordingly,” the organization told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.


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