Miesbacher amigo affair back in court – Bavaria

Three years after the first verdict in the Miesbacher amigo affair, the Munich II district court is expected to deal with the generous business practices of the Miesbach district savings bank for the second time this Monday, which cost the former CSU district administrator Jakob Kreidl the office in 2014. Kreidl, who had also headed the administrative board of the district-owned bank ex officio, was sentenced to eleven months’ imprisonment and 200 hours of community service in 2019 for breach of trust, while long-time CEO Georg Bromme received a suspended sentence of one year and six months and was supposed to do 300 hours of community service.

In a comparatively subordinate charge, the bank paid for the final dinner at Kreidl’s district council meeting, Bromme was successful last year with his appeal to the Federal Court of Justice. At the same time, the public prosecutor’s office prevailed with their opinion that the refurbishment of Kreidl’s office in the district office with money from the savings bank and numerous Christmas gifts from the bank to their own board members and to various local politicians should also be punished. Only these details are now at the center of the new process, which is initially scheduled for ten days of negotiations.

The BGH confirmed the regional court’s assessment of several luxurious trips by the board of directors to Austria and Switzerland, including accompanying programs and, in some cases, five-digit wine bills. The celebration of Kreidl’s 60th birthday in 2012, which cost almost 120,000 euros and was largely paid for by the savings bank, and which triggered the whole affair two years later, was not punished in the first instance. The new trial should have started last week, but the first day of the trial had to be postponed at short notice. Whether the process can start this Monday also depends on the current outcome of the morning corona tests.

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