Miesbach: Ex-district administrator Kreidl should lose pension because of amigo affair – Bavaria

Bavaria wants to cut the pension of ex-district administrator Jakob Kreidl, who was convicted of the Miesbach savings bank affair. The state prosecutor’s office brought a disciplinary action against him on Friday, as a spokesman for the German Press Agency said on Monday – “with the aim of depriving him of his pension”.

In May of this year, the Munich II Regional Court sentenced the former CSU District Administrator Kreidl to a suspended sentence in a second trial for breach of trust, as did the former CEO of Sparkasse Miesbach-Tegernsee, Georg Bromme (Az.: 1 StR 144/20). .

The loose handling of savings bank funds had caused quite a stir almost ten years ago. For tens of thousands of euros, one traveled to five-star hotels and enjoyed a “James Bond trip” with a gondola ride, invited to a birth party, drank wine costing hundreds of euros or paid for beauty treatments for wives.

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