Miesbach: Attempted freeing of prisoners – prison sentences for the accused – Bavaria

The Munich District Court sentenced four men to imprisonment without probation for attempting to free two men from police custody. The court imposed penalties of between one year and one year and five months on Monday, including for breach of the peace and attempted prisoner release.

According to the indictment, the four men between the ages of 23 and 48 were part of a group of 26 people who had literally besieged the Miesbach police station in August 2021. The group wanted to force the release of two men: a 23-year-old who had been arrested on suspicion of child molestation in Hausham and taken to the Miesbach police station; and that of a 43-year-old who is said to have led the crowd to the police as a “ringleader” and was arrested on the spot.

According to the indictment, the people in the group “threatened with clenched fists and tried to gain entry into the building by shaking and knocking on the door”. According to the public prosecutor’s office, police officers were “pelted with hand-sized stones, shoes, plastic bottles and other objects” and hit in the face with fists. According to a court spokeswoman, three of the four judgments are already final.

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