Midlife: Two women give courage for the middle phase of life

Katja Bigalke and Marietta Schwarz wrote a book about the years between 35 and 55. In this phase there is the menopause, parents need care, impacts are approaching. But there is so much more to “Midlife”. A star-Conversation with the authors about freedom from fear, role models and intoxication.

I’m in my mid-30s. I’m beginning the phase you call midlife. As I read your book about vaginal dryness and hot flashes, the difficulty in making new friends, and the failure of relationships, I ask myself: How scared do I have to be in these next 15, 20 years?
Black: Insanely scared (laughs). This perspective is interesting. Our approach was to see what potential opens up when you deal with these topics that are coming our way.

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