Middle East war: Bundestag condemns anti-Israel demonstrations

Middle East war
Bundestag condemns anti-Israel demonstrations

Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter calls it “pure anti-Semitism” when Hamas’s inhumane acts are cheered on German streets. photo

© Serhat Kocak/dpa

Cheers for Hamas’ attack on Israel, an attack on a synagogue in Berlin, Stars of David on the houses of Jews – the Gaza war has long since had an impact in Germany.

The youngest Anti-Israel demonstrations in Germany have been unanimously condemned in the Bundestag. It is “pure anti-Semitism” when Hamas’s inhumane acts are cheered on German streets, said State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, in a Current Hour. “We won’t tolerate that.”

The FDP domestic politician Stephan Thomae demanded that this “disgraceful behavior” must also have legal consequences. “We must not leave an inch of space for extremism and anti-Semitism in our country.”

CDU MPs: “‘Never again’ is now”

“Anyone who shows understanding for Hamas or Hezbollah devalues ​​our civilization,” said CDU MP Gitta Connemann. She is ashamed of the image that Germany currently offers. “We have to change it. Immediately. Because ‘Never again’ is now.” Connemann thus recalled the lesson from the Holocaust that the crimes of the National Socialists with the murder of millions of Jews should never be repeated.

The deputy chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Dirk Wiese, spoke of “disgusting scenes of celebration” that were unacceptable. “It is the responsibility of all of us to stand up against it, to show together that what we saw is not our country. We are all called upon to do so.” This also applies to the cowardly arson attack on a synagogue in Berlin or the spraying of Stars of David on house walls.

Strasser: “Germany is not a safe place for Jewish life”

Benjamin Strasser, the parliamentary state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Justice, called it a bitter truth that Jews in Germany are not protected at all times of the day and not always. “Germany is not a safe place for Jewish life.” Fear has been an everyday companion for Jews in Germany for many years.

Petra Pau from the Left emphasized that nothing offers justification for Hamas’ attacks on Israel. “It must now be unmistakably clear: When terrorists murder, it is time to take a stand. It is not the time for ‘yes, but’ or ‘maybe’. Nothing offers any justification for these attacks.”

The Green Party’s domestic policy spokeswoman, Lamya Kaddor, said the problem should not be reduced to “imported anti-Semitism.” There is also “a lot of home-made anti-Semitism” in Germany. Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens) emphasized the importance of preventing anti-Semitism. For this you need more programs, not fewer.


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