Middle East live blog: ++ Blinken: Agreement with Hamas “still” possible ++

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Status: 22.05.2024 12:24

US Secretary of State Blinken still believes an agreement between Israel and Hamas is possible. According to US sources, Israel has responded to concerns about the offensive in Rafah in the Gaza Strip. The developments in the live blog.

France holds recognition of one Palestinian States for premature

France considers diplomatic recognition of a Palestinian state to be premature. Not all the conditions are currently met “for this decision to have a real impact,” the Foreign Ministry in Paris said on Wednesday. “Our position is clear: the recognition of Palestine is not taboo for France,” it continued. However, this step must be “useful” and enable political progress. The right timing is therefore crucial. “It is not just a symbolic question or a political positioning, but a diplomatic instrument in the service of a two-state solution,” the Foreign Ministry stressed.

Roth: Recognition of Palestine is the wrong signal at the wrong time

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Bundestag, Michael Roth (SPD), has criticized the announced recognition of Palestine as a state by several European countries as “the wrong signal at the wrong time.” “I fear that this will not bring us any closer to the necessary two-state solution,” Roth told the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND). There is currently no functioning statehood in the Palestinian territories and, what’s more, the Palestinian Authority does not recognize the State of Israel. “The false impression is also being created that it was only the horrific terror of Hamas on October 7 that led to a new positive dynamic in favor of the Palestinians,” Roth warned.

Israeli Security Minister visits hill in Jerusalem

Far-right Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Jerusalem hilltop at the center of a dispute between Israel and the Palestinians. Ben-Gvir said his visit to the area known to Jews as the Temple Mount on Wednesday was in response to the decision by Norway, Spain and Ireland to recognize an independent Palestinian state.

The site, which is sacred to Jews and Muslims, belongs “only to the State of Israel,” said Ben Gvir. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is located on the site. Israel allows Jews to visit the facility. But you are not allowed to pray there. The visit to Ben-Gvir is likely to be seen internationally as a provocation.

Hamas welcomes recognition of a Palestinian state as an “important” step

The radical Islamic group Hamas has welcomed the impending recognition of a Palestinian state by two EU member states and Norway. It is an “important step towards reaffirming our right to land and establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,” said the Palestinian organization. A senior Hamas official told AFP that the planned recognitions were thanks to the “courageous resistance” of the Palestinians.

The announcements from Spain, Ireland and Norway are the “direct result” of the “legendary steadfastness of the Palestinian people,” argued Bassem Naim of Hamas’ political bureau. “We believe that this will be a turning point in the international stance on the Palestinian issue,” Naim added. Hamas called on other countries to “recognize our legitimate national rights.”

PLO leader speaks of “historic moment”

The Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Hussein al-Sheikh, has described the recognition of Palestine by Ireland, Norway and Spain as a “historic moment”. After decades of Palestinian national struggle, suffering, oppression and occupation, the free world is triumphing, he wrote on Platform PLO Secretary General. “We reiterate that this is the path to stability, security and peace in the region.”

9:30 a.m

Israel recalls ambassadors from Norway and Ireland

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has recalled the Israeli ambassadors from Ireland and Norway in the dispute over the recognition of a state of Palestine. “Ireland and Norway intend today to send a message to the Palestinians and the entire world: terrorism pays,” said Katz in explanation.

9:30 a.m

Spain also recognizes Palestine as a state

After Norway and Ireland, Spain has also announced the recognition of Palestine as a state. The Council of Ministers will approve the recognition on May 28, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced in parliament in Madrid.

8:05 a.m

Norway wants Palestinian state recognize

Norway will recognize Palestine as a state. Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre announced this in Oslo. The recognition should therefore take place on May 28th. “Palestinians have a fundamental, independent right to their own state. Both Israelis and Palestinians have the right to live in peace in separate states. There can be no peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution,” said a press release Norwegian government. An Irish government spokesman announced the move was intended to keep the option of a two-state solution alive.

3:43 a.m

USA and Saudi Arabia before completion of Defense pact

According to an insider, the USA and Saudi Arabia are close to concluding a defense pact. The bilateral agreement, which also includes a civilian nuclear component, is “more or less finished,” a senior US government official told Reuters.

There are still obstacles to a broader regional agreement, including a credible path to a Palestinian state and steps to stabilize the Gaza Strip. U.S. and Saudi negotiators are seeking a deal that would provide formal U.S. guarantees for the kingdom’s defense as well as Saudi Arabia’s access to more advanced U.S. weapons.

In return, Chinese arms purchases should be stopped and Chinese investments in the country limited, people familiar with the matter told Reuters.


Ireland announces recognition of Palestinian state at

The EU state of Ireland has announced the recognition of an independent Palestinian state. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris spoke of a “historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine” at the announcement in Dublin on Wednesday. Israel sees such a step as a “reward for terrorism” that makes a negotiated solution to the Gaza war less likely.

EU members Ireland, Spain, Slovenia and Malta have indicated in recent weeks that they could announce recognition in a coordinated statement, as a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region. Since 1988, 139 of the 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) have recognized Palestinian statehood. Israel strictly rejects the step.

01:12 am

Blinken: Agreement between Israel and Hamas “still” possible

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken believes an agreement between Israel and the radical Islamic Hamas for the release of hostages and a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is still possible, despite unsuccessful efforts so far. “I think there is still a possibility,” Blinken told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

However, diplomatic efforts are being hampered by the “extremely wrong decision” of the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to request arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the leaders of the radical Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas.

Negotiations between Israel and Hamas on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of the hostages have so far been unsuccessful. “I think we were very, very close on a number of occasions,” Blinken said. The US Secretary of State specifically praised Qatar and Egypt for their support in the “extensive efforts” to reach an agreement. However, the possibility of this is now being called into question by “a series of events,” Blinken criticized.

01:07 am

US circles: Israel addresses Biden’s concerns about Rafah offensive

Israel has addressed many of President Joe Biden’s concerns about the large-scale Israeli military operation in the southern Gaza town of Rafah, according to US government sources.

In talks with White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan last weekend, Israeli officials incorporated a variety of changes to their plans for the offensive that addressed American concerns about an operation in an area full of Palestinian refugees, a senior U.S. official said -Government member with.

Biden has stressed that he opposes a full-scale Israeli military offensive in Rafah that does not prioritize ensuring the safety of Palestinian civilians. Although US officials did not give the green light to Israel’s plan for Rafah, changes on the Israeli side indicated that American concerns were being taken seriously.

12:17 a.m

Tuesday’s live blog is available to read

Israel has reversed its seizure of equipment from the AP news agency. United Nations aid workers have stopped food distribution in Rafah. All developments from Tuesday to read.

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