Middle East: Hamas massively attacks Israel – Netanyahu: “We are at war”

Middle East
Hamas attacks Israel massively – Netanyahu: “We are at war”

Smoke can be seen coming from a residential building in Ashkelon after a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip. photo

© Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

Palestinian militants fire thousands of rockets at Israeli locations. There are dead and injured. Israel wants to hit back hard: Hamas has opened the “gates to hell.”

The Islamist Hamas launched a large-scale surprise attack with thousands of rockets Israel launched. “Citizens of Israel, we are at war,” said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, describing the scale of the attacks on Saturday, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah).

Hamas spoke of a “military operation.” Its military chief Mohammed Deif said in a message that Hamas had decided to put an end to what he called Israeli crimes.

Hamas launched massive air, ground and sea attacks from the Gaza Strip. In response, Israeli warplanes repeatedly bombed targets in the Mediterranean area, an army spokesman confirmed. There was heavy fighting with Israeli soldiers.

Unconfirmed reports of hostage-taking

There are unconfirmed reports of hostage-taking and kidnappings in the Gaza Strip. According to the army, warning sirens wailed in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities in Israel.

At least 22 Israelis died in the attacks and hundreds were injured, the Magen David Adom rescue service said, according to media reports. Accordingly, there were at least 70 seriously injured people. According to the army, the country was put on war readiness.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), the governments of Italy, Spain, France and Great Britain as well as the European Union strongly condemned the attacks.

According to the UN, more than two million people live in very poor conditions in the Gaza Strip. Hamas, classified as a terrorist organization by the EU, the USA and Israel, seized sole power by force in 2007. Israel then tightened a blockade of the coastal area, which Egypt supported.

The Israeli army said 17 military installations and four Hamas command centers were attacked. According to the Gaza Strip Health Ministry, at least 22 Palestinians were killed and dozens injured in the airstrikes.

Hamas has opened the “gates to hell.”

An Israeli official threatened that Hamas had opened “the gates to hell” with the attack. They will be held accountable, said the spokesman for Israel’s Cogat authority, which is responsible for entry and work permits for Palestinian workers from the Gaza Strip, on Saturday.

Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant said: “Hamas made a serious mistake this morning and started a war against the State of Israel.” Israeli soldiers fought “in all places where they were invaded.” He called on citizens to follow orders and said: “Israel will win this war.”

Egypt is trying to mediate

The Foreign Ministry in Cairo said Egypt was making intensive efforts to calm the situation. In the past, Cairo had repeatedly mediated between Israel and militant Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip and had also achieved ceasefires in the process. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on all sides to show restraint.

For the Israeli ambassador in Berlin, Ron Prosor, Iran is also responsible for the attack. “It is clear to us that Iran is behind it,” said Prosor on Deutschlandfunk.

Fewer flights from Europe to Israel

The Swiss Lufthansa subsidiary Swiss suspended its flights to Israel from Saturday evening due to security concerns. Lufthansa reduced its flights. “Against the background of the current security situation in Tel Aviv, Lufthansa Group Airlines is reducing its flight program to/from Tel Aviv this Saturday for operational reasons,” the company said in response to a request from dpa. The Swiss Foreign Ministry advises against traveling to Israel.


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