Mickie Krause: This is how the singer feels after his second tumor surgery

After the second tumor surgery
Mickie Krause: “I don’t want to be the mood singer with cancer”

This is how Mickie Krause feels after his second operation after the bladder tumor diagnosis.

© imago/Sven Simon

Mickie Krause only found out about his bladder tumor a few weeks ago and has since had his second operation. The pop singer gives an update on his current state of health.

Pop singer Mickie Krause received a shock diagnosis during the shooting of the TV show “Showtime of my life”: bladder tumor. He has since survived two surgeries. At “VIPstagram” he gave an update on his health.

“I’m absolutely fit,” assured Krause in an interview. The entertainer is currently vacationing with his family on the North Sea. There he went jogging for the first time. He manages eight kilometers in 45 minutes. “It was a blessing for me and did me a lot of good,” said the singer. Otherwise, he uses the time to get his mind off things.

Mickie Krause: This is how the Mallorca singer continues

His recovery will continue to occupy him. The “Honey, give me a photo!” interpreter begins immunotherapy in early April. The Mallorca season starts at the same time. “I’ve been booked there almost 40 times. I don’t see any health problems at all,” he said in relation to his career. Nevertheless, the Ballermann star wants to be more reserved in the future: “I will no longer be on stage 250 times a year, as was the case before the Corona period.”

And he has made even more: Mickie Krause does not want to be the “cancer-sick mood singer”. That’s why he won’t keep bringing up cancer again and again in the future. “People want to experience me as they know me,” he says of his fans.

Source: Vip.de


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