Michigan State University: Dead after shooting at US university

Status: 02/14/2023 07:47 a.m

At least three people were killed in a shot on the Michigan State University campus in the evening. Five others were injured. The perpetrator then took his own life.

At least three people have been killed in a shooting at a university in Michigan. In addition, five injured were taken to the hospital, said interim chief of campus police, Chris Rozman. Some of them were in mortal danger. A gunman opened fire Monday night around 8:30 p.m. local time in a Michigan State University classroom, killing two people. After that, a second attack is said to have occurred at a meeting point of the student union, in which another person died.

The suspected shooter fled

The masked perpetrator then fled on foot, police said. Several buildings have been evacuated. People on campus in the city of East Lansing have been urged to stay safe. “Run, hide, fight,” said the university’s first warning to students and employees. If possible, one should move away from the danger, otherwise entrench. If both are not possible, one should defend oneself, the statement said.

Hundreds of police officers searched for the alleged perpetrator with red shoes and baseball hat for several hours. About four hours later he was found dead outside the university campus, the police assume suicide. Rozman said it was unclear what the motive was behind the attack and whether the man had any connection to the university.

US President Biden wants stricter gun laws

The University of Michigan has an enrollment of more than 50,000 students. The campus is located approximately 145 kilometers northwest of Detroit. Attacks with firearms occur again and again in the USA – often in schools and universities.

US President Biden repeatedly fails to tighten gun laws due to opposition from Republicans. In the summer, the US Congress agreed on a minimum compromise: the reform provides for stricter screening of gun buyers who are under 21 years old. In addition, state laws are to be expanded that make it possible to confiscate weapons from potentially dangerous people. Illegal arms trafficking should be punishable at the federal level.

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