Michelle Hunziker: Will Smith’s slap was “too much”

Michelle Hunziker
Will Smith’s slap was ‘too much’

Michelle Hunziker has a clear opinion when it comes to violence.

© Franco Gulotta/face to face/ImageCollect

Apparently there is little that can put Michelle Hunziker in a bad mood. But when it comes to violence, the fun stops for her.

Laugh and spread a good mood: That’s what the entertainer Michelle Hunziker (45) is known for. “Laughter is as much a part of me as the air I breathe,” she explains to the “Welt am Sonntag” in an interview. She enjoys life and is by nature a “deeply happy, kind person”. On the other hand, she can do little with the humor of US comedian Chris Rock (57).

“I don’t like making fun of the suffering or weaknesses of others,” she says, looking back at this year’s Oscar scandal, in which Rock joked at the expense of Jada Pinkett Smith’s (50) hair loss due to illness.

Should Will Smith give his Oscar back?

The slap in the face that he subsequently received from Will Smith (53) on stage was “too much” for Hunziker. “Even if Chris Rock’s gag at the expense of Smith’s sick wife was so painful, he should have reacted more confidently. Violence should never prevail over reason,” emphasizes Hunziker.

The fact that Smith subsequently received the Oscar for best actor in “King Richard” is still justified for Hunziker: “One has nothing to do with the other. In retrospect, he will annoy himself enough, I’m sure of it.”

Banned from the Oscars for ten years

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science recently announced that it would ban Will Smith from the Academy Awards for ten years as a consequence. Smith should also not be allowed to attend any other Academy events – neither in person nor virtually. However, he keeps his won Oscar and apparently remains eligible for future nominations.


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