Michelle Hunziker is thoughtful at Easter on Instagram

“Brighter, freer, stronger”
Michelle Hunziker is thoughtful at Easter on Instagram

Michelle Hunziker

© AAPimages / Wehnert / Picture Alliance

The presenter Michelle Hunziker sends greetings via Instagram at Easter. And she provides her contribution with words that sound quite thoughtful.

Eggs are hidden at Easter. And rediscovered. Easter is a popular time for short breaks. Especially in Switzerland, the home of presenter Michelle Hunziker, many are drawn to the southern part of the country or straight to Italy at Easter. The traffic jams in front of the Gotthard bear witness to this. Event and recreation are commonly celebrated around the major Christian holidays.

Michelle Hunziker is more introverted and thoughtful this Easter. In a post on Instagram, she describes Easter in Italian as “days of peace” and “days to collect”. “To be with the ones you love and to think about everything you want to change in your life. About everything that’s okay and what absolutely needs to ‘die’ to be brighter, freer, stronger than before to be reborn.”

Michelle Hunziker recently said she was doing very, very well

She shares three pictures. Mountain panorama in the background, stones in the mountain water under her boots. In the third picture, she has her eyes closed and her arms outstretched. It has something of a hinted cross and sunbathing at the same time. It is not quite pure teaching when Hunziker writes about rebirth at Easter, the feast of Jesus’ resurrection. The most important thing to her seems to be the new beginning.

What exactly is meant by that in her personal case remains open. There has been a major upheaval in her life recently. Earlier this year, Michelle Hunziker and Tomaso Trussardi officially announced their split. “After ten years together, we have decided to change our life plans,” they said in a joint statement from January. In an interview with RTL at the beginning of April, Hunziker emphasized that she was doing very, very well.

The pausing at Easter does not last the whole Easter weekend. work is calling In her story, Hunziker advertises cosmetics on Easter Sunday.

Sources: Instagram, rtl.destern.de


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