Michel Houellebecq maintains the mystery around his latest book

The new novel by Michel Houellebecq, one of the most translated and best-selling French authors abroad, is called Annihilate and will be released on January 7, publisher Flammarion revealed on its website on Friday. After Submission in 2015 and Serotonin in 2019, his last two publications, the writer continues in the series of titles in a nutshell.

The 736-page book was sent to the press on Friday, with an embargo that asks journalists not to disclose any of its content until December 30. It is therefore impossible for readers to obtain information about the book a week before it goes on sale.

26 euros for 736 pages

Michel Houellebecq also intends not to grant any interview to the written press or the audiovisual press to promote his book. Maybe he doesn’t think he needs it … With good reason: his latest work, Serotonin, had sold 90,000 copies in three days. In the end, around 400,000 copies were sold.

Michel Houellebecq got involved in the manufacture ofAnnihilate indicating that his model was books printed in Germany, heavier, stiffer and stronger, and with a paper that remains permanently white. Sale price: 26 euros. 300,000 copies will be printed initially.

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