Michel Barnier wants compulsory vaccination “for everyone”

Former Brexit negotiator and potential presidential candidate Michel Barnier (LR) pleaded Sunday in favor of compulsory vaccination for all, while the government plans to impose it only on caregivers.

“This vaccination is the key to get out of this health crisis” and “we must make this vaccination compulsory for everyone”, declared on LCI the former European commissioner. The boss of the Modem and high commissioner for the Plan François Bayrou, an ally of Emmanuel Macron, is also in favor of compulsory vaccination for all.

“Everyone must take responsibility”

“When we see what happens with this Delta variant, everyone must take their responsibility, the President of the Republic first”, added Mr. Barnier on the eve of a speech by President Emmanuel Macron who should present measures to counter the progression of this variant of Covid-19.

Asked whether the head of state should announce a pension reform, Michel Barnier wondered if “everything must be mixed”. “There have been failed reforms, there have been missed opportunities, it is not the only one, that of pensions. This question must be at the heart of the presidential debate and we must tell the truth to the French, ”he said.

Soon to meet other LR presidential contenders

Considering that “the insecurity felt by all our citizens (…) is a serious failure of this five-year term”, the former minister of Jacques Chirac also proposed to create a post of minister “dedicated” to Public Security and to pass a 5-year programming law to give “resources” to the police and the judiciary.

For the presidential election, the potential candidate affirmed that he “would know how to bring together the talents of the right and the center” and that he would “meet” other potential contenders such as regional presidents Valérie Pécresse or Laurent Wauquiez.

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