Michael Nast’s “Because Something’s Missing”: A Meeting with the Author

Since his bestseller “Generation Incapable of Relationships”, Michael Nast has been considered the mouthpiece of millennial singles. Thousands of young women flock to his readings. Why is this man so popular? A meeting with surprising insights.

Michael Nast’s head peeks out from between purple cuddly toy cats. He seems like ET, the alien who doesn’t want to be discovered among the stuffed animals. One of the cats looks into the camera with eyes as wide open as he is. A grasping arm hangs menacingly above him, ready to grab the author and fish him out. The “Pussycat Dolls” sing in the background. Nast shakes his head like a dog that has had a bucket of water poured over it. He will do that more often that day in the Berlin Selfie Museum, the place where influencers usually take their photos. “I loosen up my face,” he says. The shaking movement is followed by a new, rehearsed facial expression.

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