Mice in the house: how to get rid of rodents

rodent plague
Drive away mice: That’s why live traps make more sense than poisoned baits

Small legacies and nibbled cables give away the uninvited guest

© tenra / Getty Images

Once mice have made themselves comfortable in your home, you can’t get rid of the little rodents. Nevertheless, poisoned baits are the worst possible method to drive away mice – you can find out why here.

Especially in the cold winter months (but also throughout the year), many mice get lost in basements and living rooms in search of food and shelter. However, your visit will not go unnoticed for long: at the latest when you discover the first traces of droppings or smears, eat food or are woken up by nocturnal noises from the pantry, you can be sure that the little rodents are having a good time in your home. The problem with this is that mice breed very quickly, contaminate your food and gnaw on wires – causing expensive damage. Nevertheless, you should not kill the animals, but catch them alive. This article explains which traps and home remedies are best for repelling mice and why you should stay away from poisoned baits.

Secret visitors: How to recognize the mouse infestation

Mouse droppings are very easy to spot: the small black droppings are spread everywhere by the rodents on their routes. When these are fresh, they have a soft consistency, but after a few days the droppings will harden and crumble if you touch them. If you only discover the mouse droppings after a few weeks, it is already rock hard. In any case, if you want to find out how soft or hard the poo is, you should always put on gloves first.

Alternatively, so-called smear marks also indicate a mouse infestation: This is a visible mark consisting of body fat and dirt particles from the rodents. It also arises on the daily routes that mice regularly use. If you follow the trail, you might even find the animals’ nest. Here’s putting one up live trap particularly useful – and usually leads to a successful result very quickly.

Mice will chew on just about anything, not just foods like bread, fruit, nuts, or bacon. They also eat their way through plastic, cardboard or wood to get to their destination. But then why do you also find bite marks on cables? In fact, the rodents use the isolation for dental care as their teeth grow throughout life and stay sharp and short by chewing on solid objects. For this reason, chewed cables are also an important indication of a mouse infestation.

Mousetrap: Why poisonous baits are deadly but useless

According to peta, Germany’s largest animal rights organization, poisoned mice baits are cruel and useless. If the rodents eat the poison, they suffer a slow and painful death by bleeding to death internally. That being said, most human and pet baits are highly toxic, the same goes for wild animals: if they ingest the poison directly or by eating a poisoned mouse, they will die horribly. “In addition, these deadly methods never keep rodents away in the long term and can even have the opposite effect, because killing the animals gives the surviving conspecifics more space and food. Free territories are occupied again in a flash and the losses in the population are increased by a increased reproduction,” Peta expressly warns. Instead, you should rather rely on live traps or tried and tested home remedies. You can find out what these are below.

Little mouse is caught in a trap

The mouse can easily be caught with a live trap

© Janny2 / Getty Images

Repel mice: How to get rid of rodents

live trap
If you choose one live trap decide you should have one bait place it (e.g. peanut butter) as far back as possible – so that the tail does not get trapped. According to Peta, it’s important to check the trap every hour because mice are very sensitive to stress and can die after a few hours from stress or possible dehydration. If you have caught a rodent, it is best to cover the trap with a cloth to avoid stress – and only release the animal after it has been at least 100 meters away from your home so that it cannot find its way back to you.

There are a variety of different devices that use mice Ultrasonic should expel. According to the manufacturer, the waves emitted by an activated pest repellent irritate the rodents so much that they should stay away from your home. The same applies to other troublemakers – such as cockroaches, ants, flies and other insects.

To prevent mice from gaining access to your living space in the first place, it is important to find out which holes or cracks could be used as entrances. Check all exterior walls and door crevices, wire ducts, and leaky or open windows. Don’t just watch out for the traces mentioned (as described above), but also seal or seal all possible weak points – for example with silicone or mortar.

Rodents have a keen sense of smell and can track their food over long distances. For mice, it doesn’t matter whether it’s fresh waste or stores. It is all the more important to dispose of the rubbish regularly – in such a way that the rubbish bins with the leftovers are as far away from the house as possible. The same applies to compost. And since the animals also eat through paper and plastic to get food, you should always keep your supplies, such as pasta, in airtight glass or metal boxes.

Tips & Tricks: The best home remedies for mice

As with any “pest”, there are of course also a variety of home remedies for rodents that should be able to drive away mice. Whether these really help cannot be answered at this point. The best known include:

  1. Take a cotton rag, drizzle it with you peppermint oil and stick it in the hole behind which you suspect mice. The smell is supposed to drive the animals away.
  2. cayenne pepper is not only a popular spice for sharpening, but is also said to keep mice away by scattering it where you have discovered the first traces.
  3. Incidentally, the same applies to others Food, such as fresh mint and chamomile, chili peppers and cloves or oleander.
  4. Vinegar is also a proven home remedy to drive away mice. Mix it with water and use it to clean the entire floor in your home.

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