Mexico reports: Significantly fewer migrants at the US border

Mexico’s President: Number of migrants at the US border has halved

Migrant at the border fence

© picture alliance / Anadolu | David Peinado/Picture Alliance

Many migrants are trying to cross the border from Mexico into the USA. Now Mexico’s president reports: The daily numbers have decreased significantly.

The number of According to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the number of migrants at the border with the USA has halved in recent months. “We had a crisis at the northern border in December with 12,000 migrants a day,” López Obrador said on Monday. The number has been reduced to an average of 6,000 migrants – a decline “of 50 percent in four months”.

Many migrants are fleeing violence and poverty

Last year, more than 2.4 million migrants crossed the southern US border. Most of them came from Central America and Venezuela. Their reasons for fleeing: violence, poverty and natural disasters, which are exacerbated by climate change.

Mexican migrants are fleeing poverty and violence towards the US border. The rising numbers had posed problems for Mexican immigration authorities. Pressure also came from the USA, where elections will be held at the end of the year. Border policy is a particularly contentious issue in the United States.

Migration as a dominant election campaign issue

For the Republicans, migration is the top issue in the US election campaign. Trump called migrants “terrorists” and “mentally ill.” He speaks of the “Joe Biden invasion” and blames the incumbent president for high immigration numbers. Trump stirs up fear of migrants – and portrays himself as a savior. He has announced that he will carry out raids, deport millions of people and concentrate them in camps. He promised “the largest deportation of migrants in American history.” Trump also wants to expand the wall with Mexico. Back in 2016, he campaigned on building a border wall with Mexico.

For Democrats, migration is a politically sensitive issue. The opposition Republicans accuse the Biden government of allowing countless migrants to enter the country unhindered. Biden, in turn, blamed Republicans in Congress for his inability to reform immigration policy the way he wanted. Addressing Trump, Biden said: “Instead of playing political games with the issue, we should come together and get this done.” A plea for more willingness to compromise.


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