Mexico border: Texas erects its own wall

Status: 19.12.2021 11:52 a.m.

Ex-US President Trump wanted to build a wall on the border with Mexico – his successor Biden stopped the project. Now the Texas Governor Abbott has resumed the project on his own.

Texas has started building its own wall made of giant steel bars on the border with Mexico. “Texas is taking an unprecedented step for a state to protect the sovereignty of the United States and our state,” said Texas Governor Greg Abbott at a press conference on Saturday (local time). This is necessary because the government of US President Joe Biden “has not done its job,” he said in Rio Grande City in front of a crane and steel bars.

Abbott: “Replica” of Trump’s Wall

The Republican governor, who is said to have ambitions for the White House himself, denounced the “deadly consequences” of Biden’s border policy. “This border wall that you see behind us is a replica of the border wall that President Trump built – same material, same concept,” he added, referring to Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump.

“Today marks not only the first phase of the Texas border wall, but it is also an important milestone in our efforts to fight illegal immigration, stop drug and people smuggling, and protect our communities,” the website says of the governor’s office to read.

Biden stopped Trump’s blueprints

Trump had made the construction of a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico one of the most important projects of his term in office. A wall was erected on more than 700 kilometers of the border, primarily replacing existing barriers. The wall was intended to prevent migrants from the south from crossing the border.

When Biden took office in January of this year, the work was stopped. In June of this year, the Texas governor Abbott announced for the first time that plans to build barriers would continue.

Biden has been criticized from many quarters for his handling of illegal immigration: some still find his policy too tough, others call for even tougher measures.

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