Meuthen’s exit from the party: A gloomy testimony to AfD politics

Long isolated, the longtime leader of his party is now turning his back. He failed in his attempt to stop their progressive shift to the right. This documents that the more moderate forces have finally lost.


Jens Schneider

It wasn’t long ago that Jörg Meuthen emphasized that his career with the AfD would not end like that of his predecessors. No, the longtime leader of this troubled and often unsavory party has pledged to stay on, even after the previously announced departure from the top. Unlike the chairman Bernd Lucke and the party leader Frauke Petry before him, he would not go completely. Meuthen acted as if someone else should just continue to lead the party in the future. Things are different now, and that’s not really surprising. The party has just shown him that he no longer counts for them.

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