Meuthen on the AfD exit: “I clearly see totalitarian echoes”

As of: 01/28/2022 4:21 p.m

Leaving the party was a long process for AfD chairman Meuthen. To the ARD Capital Studio he said he no longer saw a chance to get the AfD on a middle course.

The long-time AfD chairman Jörg Meuthen has long been at odds with his party and thought about leaving. It was a long process and there were a variety of reasons. Compared to the ARD Capital Studio he explained that he had recently asked himself two questions. On the one hand, whether there is still an alternative for Germany with the AfD – on the other hand, whether he can still bring the party on a moderate course.

He answered both questions with “No”, so it would have been foolish to stay. He was no longer able to assert himself on the federal executive board and had no majority for his course. In this respect, he saw no chance.

In his opinion, parts of the party are not on the ground of the free democratic basic order: “I see very clear echoes of totalitarianism,” says Meuthen. And he went on to say: “The heart of the party today beats very far to the right and it actually beats high all the time.” In this context, he mentioned in particular the two state associations of Thuringia and Saxony. At the moment there is only one topic: the Covid pandemic.

Jörg Meuthen, AfD chairman, leaves the AfD. “It’s for a variety of reasons and it’s a long-established decision,” he said. “I struggled with this question for a long time.”

1/28/2022 2:32 p.m

When asked whether he wanted to anticipate the party’s decision with regard to the investigation into the illegal party donation affair, Meuthen said he would be happy if immunity had already been suspended and investigations had started earlier. The criminal complaint was “completely ridiculous”.

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