Metallic taste in the mouth: possible reasons

Sometimes you have an unpleasant taste on your tongue, which is a bit reminiscent of iron. The reasons for this are mostly harmless. In some cases, however, a metallic taste in the mouth can be an indication of a disease.

Various dietary supplements, such as when they contain trace elements copper or zinc may leave a metallic taste on the tongue after ingestion. Of course, this is no reason to worry and will be forgotten after a few minutes to hours.

Longer-lasting taste disorders, on the other hand, can be perceived as annoying – especially if the cause is not clear. Doctors speak of dysgeusia in the finding. This is rarely the actual disease, but usually the side effect of other diseases. Sometimes, however, certain living conditions or habits are behind it.

Taste disorders in pregnancy

Expectant mothers often report a metallic taste in their mouth. That explains on FITBOOK request Internist and nutritionist Dr. medical Matthew Riedl. Because the hormonal shifts during the beginning of pregnancy, in particular the increased production of estrogen, can change the perception of taste.

Some medical professionals interpret this as an evolutionary signal from the body to consume specific nutrients that are beneficial for the baby’s development. According to this theory, the unusual taste in the mouth increases the appetite for certain foods.

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side effect of medication

according to dr Riedl, dysgeusia is often a possible side effect of medication. These include, above all, antidepressants and drugs for the treatment of severe psychiatric diseases, but also antibiotics.

In addition, various forms of cancer treatment can trigger taste disorders. These include (platinum-based) chemotherapy, radiation therapy in the area of ​​the head, neck and chest, and the administration of certain drugs used to treat cancer and various inflammatory diseases. More information is available from the Cancer Society1 to read.

Unfortunately, if you need the therapy, the taste disturbances are something you have to live with for the duration of use. Various simple measures can help to alleviate the symptoms at least a little. Drink plenty of fluids to stimulate salivation and suck on sugar-free candies. Many sufferers find the taste of citrus fruits pleasant.

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Indication of infections in the oral cavity

Taste disorders can also be an indication of an acute infection in the mouth, such as a periodontitis. Inflammation of the gums should be taken seriously, because if left untreated it can lead to tooth loss and a breakdown of bone substance as well as promoting other general medical diseases.

Another possible symptom of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a metallic taste in the mouth. This is an acute, painful inflammation of the gums that can be accompanied by bleeding in the mouth and foul breath. Those affected should seek dental treatment immediately and also have an internal check-up carried out. Because, according to the dental journal “ZWP”, a NUG can2 can also be an indication of, for example, an infection with the HI virus.

Taste disturbances due to sinus infections

A cold can also promote taste disorders if it results in an infection of the respiratory tract in the paranasal sinuses. Anyone who has a cold should therefore know that some things do not taste as usual. After recovery, normal taste should return. If not, please talk to your family doctor or a specialist. It is possible that the infection is not completely over yet, so that it might be advisable to take an antibiotic.

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allergies to certain foods

Shellfish and various types of nuts can leave a metallic taste in the mouth of people who are (undetected) allergic to them. This explains general practitioner Dr. Natasha Bhuyan in an article by the news portal “Insider”3. She warns not to take this lightly. Because the disturbed sense of taste could be an indication of a severe food allergy. In this case, contact with the relevant allergens could trigger anaphylactic shock in those affected, and in the worst case, be fatal.

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Taste disturbance due to kidney disease

Last, taste disorders can also indicate a kidney disease4 or kidney failure. Because as the disease progresses, metabolic waste products accumulate in the blood, which can cause a metallic taste in the mouth along with various other symptoms.


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