“Messi does not take pleasure” in Paris, according to Dani Alves

Is Lionel Messi happy in Paris? His former Barcelona team-mate and ex-PSG player Dani Alves seems to have his opinion on the matter. The Brazilian told ESPN his doubts about the Argentine’s well-being in the capital and discussed the consequences for the Ballon d’Or game.

“For me, no, he does not take pleasure. Leo makes this game special, and he does it when he feels good. When it does, others benefit too. […] I think he’s confused there. Leo lived in the best place in the world to practice what he loves. »

“All those who leave regret it”

The side therefore advises Messi to turn back and go home, referring to the Parisian an argument that the latter had used to convince him to stay in Barcelona when he decided to leave the Camp Nou. “Leo always told me: where will you be better than here (Barcelona)?’ I checked, there is no better place than here. When we found out he was leaving, I sent him the same message he had sent to me. And to conclude: “I hope he can come back. Let him come with me here, to enjoy a little more of all this. (…) Everyone who leaves here regrets it. All. »

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