Merz in the ARD summer interview: “Stop the insane bureaucracy”

Status: 08/27/2023 2:19 p.m

In the ARDIn a summer interview, CDU leader Merz sharply criticized the government’s climate policy: If you continue like this, the economy will hit the wall. In addition, Merz advocated stopping what he saw as “insane bureaucracy”.

Too bureaucratic, too many bans, too many specifications from the state – CDU boss Friedrich Merz has the traffic light coalition in ARD-Summer interview sharply criticized. The prosperity of the country is severely endangered by the current policy. Preventing this is his top priority.

“We have to secure the freedom of our country and we have to maintain our country’s prosperity,” said Merz. There are three main challenges to this. “The first thing is that we have to stop this insane bureaucracy in this country and, if possible, push it back.”

Therefore, neither the heating law planned by the traffic light coalition nor the cannabis law should be passed. In general, all laws would have to be checked to see how much bureaucracy they triggered, according to Merz.

Merz: Climate policy endangers the economy

As a further point, Merz mentions the reduction in energy prices, “especially through the taxes and duties that the state raises.” It makes no sense to subsidize energy and at the same time levy high taxes on it.

The government’s climate policy is also endangering the economic situation in Germany. “We have to understand climate policy, energy policy and economic policy as a unit.” If you continue the climate policy of the current federal government, you drive the economy against the wall, so Merz. Then you will achieve nothing in terms of climate.

“More Efforts”

The country is facing major socio-political tasks that need to be addressed. This requires a lot of effort, which also affects the country’s labor policy and also demands more commitment from society. “We must not be under any illusions, this country is facing major challenges. We will not be able to solve our country’s prosperity with less work, but only with more effort,” said Merz.

According to Merz, a state that is able to create jobs is also the best welfare state. He therefore does not share an “artificial separation between economic policy and social policy”. Good economic policy is the best prerequisite for good social policy.

When asked about basic child security, Merz is also critical. “There are far too many children at risk of poverty.” These children must be helped. “We are firmly convinced that more money for parents is not always the right solution. The better solution would be more support for children, better educational institutions, better care facilities. Ever higher transfer payments do not solve the problem,” says Merz.

More border controls

Merz also criticizes the migration policy of the current government. Merz sees a strong need for action, especially with regard to illegal migration: “Germany is a receptive country.” The refugees from Ukraine were helped in an exemplary way. But there are limits, especially when illegal migration to Germany increases as it did this year, according to Merz.

According to Merz, the fundamental right to asylum under Article 16a of the Basic Law is very heavily abused. There has to be a discussion about that. “We have to do everything we can to push back this illegal migration. If we don’t manage to do that, this society will blow us up.”

Merz sees stronger controls at the borders as a solution. “If we can’t protect Europe’s external borders enough, and we can’t at the moment, then we have to protect the internal borders better and then illegal migration at the internal borders must be controlled.” However, that does not mean any new border closures, according to Merz.

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