Mercato – Ligue 1: Neymar is considering leaving PSG

We imagine that on the office of Luis Campos, the files are already numerous. Here is a new one that could increase the workload of the new PSG football adviser. It concerns a potential departure: that of Neymar. According to information from RMC Sportsthe Brazilian international and his relatives would indeed have opened a reflection on the subject of his future, likely to be written far from the City of Light.

How did we get there, when the most expensive player in the world seemed firmly determined to continue the adventure with the capital club? The interview given by Nasser Al-Khelaïfi to the Parisian, last Tuesday, would not have pleased the person concerned. As a reminder, the president of the champions of France had in particular been questioned about a possible departure from “Ney”, to which he had replied: “What I can tell you is that we expect all the players to do a lot more than last season (…) We have to become humble again. We have to change to avoid injuries, suspensions and fouls that turn a game upside down.”

A very complex financial equation

The former Barcelonan would have felt targeted by this widely publicized media release. Above all, those around him know that he needs to be loved in order to become fully involved in a project. However, the 30-year-old would have perceived that his management would not be totally opposed to him leaving before August 31. Which may seem paradoxical, insofar as his contract will be automatically extended until 2027 on July 1.

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However, it is hard to imagine Neymar packing up during this transfer window. In addition to his long-term contract, his XXL emoluments constitute a major obstacle for the vast majority of other European teams. Starting with FC Barcelona or Juventus Turin, with which the representatives of the star auriverde would have contacted, according to the Sun. Newcastle would be on the lookout, but the Parisian winger would have little appeal for this track. Whatever the suitors (Manchester United, Chelsea?), the financial equation looks very complex anyway.

Neymar, during PSG-Metz, is under contract with Paris Saint-Germain until 2025.

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