MEPs give the first green light to the transformation into a vaccine pass

A “tidal wave” with a record of more than 200,000 Covid-19 contaminations in twenty-four hours: Olivier Véran defended on Wednesday the urgency of the bill transforming the health pass into a vaccination pass, which has passed in the night a first stage in the National Assembly. At this stage, the bill transforms the health pass into a vaccination pass “for access to leisure activities, restaurants and drinking establishments, fairs, seminars and trade shows or even interregional transport”, in particular rail.

Implementation for January 15

It will therefore be necessary to justify a complete vaccination cycle. “A (negative) test will no longer suffice,” the Prime Minister summed up on Monday, except for access to health and medico-social establishments and services.

Validated on the night of Wednesday to Thursday in committee, the bill “strengthening the tools for managing the health crisis” will be discussed Monday in the Assembly Chamber, then in the Senate from January 5, for an update. implementation of the vaccination pass on the 15th.

A gauge in the stadiums and halls in proportion to their capacity?

The LFI deputies but also some LR and an LREM, Pacôme Rupin, against the tide, sought in vain to remove the article creating the vaccine pass. Against the opinion of the LREM rapporteur, the deputies voted to adapt the gauges in the stadiums and halls, in proportion to their reception capacity. But the measure may not remain in session. Several elected officials fought unsuccessfully to exempt minors from 12 to 17 years of age from vaccination passes. A negative test may be sufficient for school trips, on the other hand voted the majority.

The government also proposes to reserve the possibility of requiring a “cumulative supporting document”, that is to say a negative test in addition to vaccination, when “the interest of public health and the state of the health situation” would justify it. .

Identity checks

Managers of establishments open to the public will be able to verify identities themselves. The measure provoked lively discussions in committee, right and left being opposed to an “unmanageable” device and preferring to rely on the police. The deputies specified that the control will consist for the managers of a simple “verification of concordance” of the pass with an “official document with photograph”.

An increase in penalties is provided for in the bill. Presenting a pass belonging to another person or transmitting a pass to another with a view to its fraudulent use will in particular be punished by a fixed fine of 1,000 euros, compared to 135 euros today.

Telework or fine

An amendment allowing administrative fines to be imposed on companies reluctant to telework – at least three days a week where possible – will be proposed by the government on Monday. It also provides for an amendment on “repentance”, that is to say people holding false passes and wanting to be vaccinated.

Several opposition officials criticized the vaccine pass, Marine Le Pen (RN) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) in the lead, citing “a disguised vaccination obligation” and an “inapplicable measure”. The PS group, on the other hand, voted “in principle” for the vaccination pass, like the majority of LR deputies.

“More than a million French people are currently positive for the coronavirus”

While the epidemic records records of contamination in France, with 208,000 new cases on Wednesday, the government intends to accelerate. “More than a million French people are currently positive for the coronavirus” and “10% of the French population is in contact,” warned the Minister of Health in a deep voice.

There is an emergency because the unvaccinated have “little chance of passing between the drops, the virus circulates too much”, warned Olivier Véran. Certainly, the English example tends to show that hospitalizations due to Omicron could be “down 50 to 70%” and “shorter”. However, with a very contagious variant, “the health impact is felt,” he added.

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